Speed Ambient Catalog

INSTRUCTIONS: because the recording quality on these tracks varies from bad to completely shitty, please do not destroy the music any further by playing it on crappy speakers, especially those with no bass, like in your laptop or earbud headphones. You will completely miss the point.

Tuk - Walking on Walls (1999-06)

Recorded at the Velvet Elvis in Seattle as a demo. The CD packaging is meant to be printed, cut, and folded following the instructions printed on it. After this Jake went to Morocco for 2.5 years. Track 1-7 is from a practice recording featuring both the occasionally used Casio SK-5 loaded with a sample of a sine wave at 61.74 Hz (low B) and running Matt's guitar through walkie talkies.

Tuk - 2004-06

Recording and mixing by Jake #2 and Ian. Ultimately due to a bunch of unfortunate relationship drama, the vocals for track 2-8 are not sync'd with the music as originally intended (for better or worse) and the raw tracks for tracks 2-1 2-2 2-4 2-5 2-6 are still unmixed. We do still have the raw tracks.

Tuk - Late Tuk

All that remains from this period is a crappy practice recording of one of our last practices. It contains newer songs, perhaps some of our best, as well as versions of most of the unmixed tracks off album 2. Soon after this practice Song moved on in life. Jake and Matt didn't and went on to form the Force of Freedom.

Jake: drums
Matt: bass, guitar, frequency generator, SK-5 in B
Song: guitar, samples / ambience, vocals

Force of Freedom

Official website at forceoffreedom.com. FoF lasted about a year, with no attempt at a decent recording, and playing exactly one show. Then Jake went to grad school. Is that correct? What we do have is a crappy practice recording very near the end and a video on Hi-8 that we need to get into the computer.

Jake: drums, samples
Matt: bass, guitar, samples
Jason: guitar, bass, vocals


seattle, wa

Crystal Warrior

The Crystal Warrior lasted 3 years, played 3 shows, had 3 members, and an output of 3 songs totaling about 1/3 of an hour. We do have raw tracks for one semi-disastrous recording session near the end. Jason was able to create one passable mix from it (ignore the tuning session at the beginning). 4 practice recordings are listed here because we haven't gone through these and figured out the best takes yet.

Dail: drums
Joe: keyboards
Matt: guitar
Fog + lights

Psycho Wart Heart (working name)

The name will be different. Playing shows near you soon. This was written on 2010-09-16.

Matt: guitar
Max: drums
Shaun: bass
Wolf: vocals, guitar


The speed ambient theme song was created in one night by Matt in 1995 or so with two 2-track cassette decks about 1/4 note out of tune and about 40 overdubs of clean guitar, except for one track of feedback. This process ended when the neighbors finally complained.

  • Guitar part 6
  • Guitar part 3
  • Guitar part 4
  • Guitar part 2
  • Guitar part 1
  • Guitar part 5
  • Very rudimentary ideas, some better than others.

  • tms-pre-2004-09
  • tmj-2005-02-04
  • Spontaneous jams (nothing pre-rehearsed). TMS is Tyler, Matt, Song - recorded some time before 2004-09. That date just reflects when Matt ripped the rediscovered CD of it he had burned earlier for Tyler. TMJ is Tyler, Matt, Jason.

    Jason: guitar
    Matt: Juno 6, HP 8116A, guitar, bass, drums
    Song: samples, ambience, Sebadoh, Black Sabbath, guitar
    Tyler: drums